Shanghai Win-Win Steel Structure Co., Ltd.



5 Core Advantages

手Overseas one-stop steel structure services 

10 years of working experience in overseas steel structure with providing steel structure EPC services including design,
supply and installation.

手Systematic engineering business chain

Systematic engineering business chain services such as integrated steel structure and GRC curtain wall, aluminum panel or
aluminum lastic panel decoration engineering. 

手Experienced international project management team 

Major members of the management team have been engaged in this field for years abroad and managed some landmark
international projects. They know well international project environment, master steel works technical standards of countries
and communicate in English more freely. 

手Skilled overseas construction human resources 

Rich and high efficiency construction human resources that possess years of overseas construction experience and meet the
international project management requirements of technology, quality and HSE in steel structure field.

手Self-conscious pursuit of higher standard project management requirements

Be responsible for customers and projects; actively set strict demands on engineering quality, progress and HSE management, etc.